Disrupted – Losing Focus & Productivity in the Digital Age

In a Nutshell

Who: Digital natives, product designers, technologists, UI developers, compulsive smartphone users
WHY: As we spend an increasing amount of time surrounded by smartphones & digital technologies, it is critical to reflect on how these technologies impact our ability to concentrate and our mental health.
HOW: d3.js web visualization, Javascript, HTML, CSS,
IMPACT: Product designers, technologists, and smartphone users can envision a user context-aware smartphone experience which positively impacts a user’s productivity goals.

1. Introduction

Even before COVID-19 and the ensuing work from home, smartphone interruptions were wreaking havoc on our productivity and peace of mind. However, when we fully migrated into the digital world with the advent of COVID-19, the endless notification barrage became a full-scale tsunami.

The recent Netflix-hit “Social Dilemma”, among other pop culture TV shows (like The Great Hack, etc.), expressively displayed the insidious effects of social media. However, I wanted to shine the spotlight on the havoc smartphone notifications were creating in the context of my academic/professional life and my personal life. In the process, I hope to convey viewers of my visualization about the perils of leaving notifications on.

To that end, I set out collecting a week’s worth of smartphone notification data. But that was only half the picture. To really convey the impact, I had to juxtapose notification data against what activity I was doing at the time. Finally, given the vice grip that smartphones have on our lives, it was also important to get a sense of how much autonomy we as humans still have on our own actions.

2. Visualization

I have hosted the visualization separately on GitHub. You can find it below at the following link:



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